Lucia choklad

Lucia chokladglögg är en återkommande glögg på systembolaget varje år, men i år är nyheten att köper man fyra flaskor får man dessa i en trälåda. Läckert värre! Hade kanske varit snäppet roligare ifall det var fyra olika smaker men ändå.
Glöggen kostar 71 kronor/flaska.

Postat av: Lowas Art

Den har jag aldrig smakat, är den god?

2015-10-20 @ 14:48:35
Postat av: JamesCam
п»їPE Bible, true, or just another scam?
Re: PE Bible, true, or just another scam?
In my opinion, if it is not a popular exercise, method or device on MOS it is more than likely not too effective. This of course is only true for methods that have been around for a while, new methods will need to be reviewed. If there was a Bible created for Penis Enlargement I am pretty sure MOS would be the promised land
Matters of Size SRT Suppressed -Restricted-Tra nsposition The World's Best Penis Enlargement Routine based on 11 Years of Research ! Four Easy Steps to Starting SRT and Making the Fastest Penis Size Gains Possible
6. Follow the SRT Routine: Maximizing Gains and Healing Fastest! Watch your Penis gain inches in girth and length in the FASTEST time Possible! Over 15 Years of Research, utilizing the most effective Penis Enlargement techniques! ONLY AT MOS - ALL PRODUCTS HAVE A 5 YEAR WARRANTY!
Re: PE Bible, true, or just another scam?
i have never read the "pe bible" and i wouldn't put too much into the end of the day. to gain..all you truly need is your hands and the desire and dedication to gain. no need to spend hundreds of dollars on products to gain..that might have been a mistake..but i'm sure you spend more money or more things throughout the course of your life..don't take it as a loss. use the extender as much as possible. stretch as much as possible. i don't know anything about the Bathmate. but my advice it not to put more money in right now. work with what you have until you get down the road a bit..make gains then if you want to purchase something else once you feel you got your money worth. go for it.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever
Re: PE Bible, true, or just another scam?
Re: PE Bible, true, or just another scam?
What is the workout you are using? What exercises and routine? Thanks
Matters of Size SRT Suppressed -Restricted-Tra nsposition The World's Best Penis Enlargement Routine based on 11 Years of Research ! Four Easy Steps to Starting SRT and Making the Fastest Penis Size Gains Possible
6. Follow the SRT Routine: Maximizing Gains and Healing Fastest! Watch your Penis gain inches in girth and length in the FASTEST time Possible! Over 15 Years of Research, utilizing the most effective Penis Enlargement techniques! ONLY AT MOS - ALL PRODUCTS HAVE A 5 YEAR WARRANTY!
Re: PE Bible, true, or just another scam?
well, i believe it is your newbie routine. Hydromaxm, let's see. stretch down for 25 seconds, then up for 25 more seconds, same goes as for left and right, then to the front, 25 seconds, behind the cheeks to the right 25 seconds, behind the cheeks to the left 25 more seconds, behind the cheeks to the middle 25 more seconds and to finish, 25 cranks (i think that's how it's called. ) and that'd be one set, i do 5 sets of that. of course i warm up before starting with the exercises with a wet hot towel, for 4 to 5 minutes, and warm down once im done with the stretching. take 1 vimax pill and go to bed. that's my routine.

2017-07-20 @ 23:16:33
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2017-07-23 @ 16:40:04

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